Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Camping Here We Go..

Here is a story that we'll always remember. I haven't gone camping since I was a lot younger and it was always with my family. Unless you count cabin living, then I went with my childhood best friends family in high school at Knoebels. I wouldn't really count that as camping because we were in a cabin, we ate at restaurants, and there was a pool and amusement park in it. This time, we were going real camping. We did all the works, which included cooking over a fire, roasting marshmellows, sleeping in a tent, going hiking, and all of the legit camping things to do. Well, here is how out story begins..

I woke up really early to gather everything together and pack the car. My sister was at a party last night, so she slept over at her apartment in Rutgers. I was a tad bit late getting up, but it wasn't a problem because my sister and her friends weren't even awake by the time I went to go pick them up. When I was finally at Rutgers and we finally got the car jam packed, we started our little road trip to the Delaware Water Gap/Pocono Mountain KOA campground in Pennsylvania. It wasn't a far drive, but time flew by with some karaoke and road trip games.

After about a hour and a half, we finally got to the campground. We were thinking of just getting the cabin because of the rain, but we wanted to go hardcore camping. So we stuck with our tent. It was a half bad decision. I mean it turned out to be a good story for the future, but at the time it was pretty brutal. It was raining on and off while we were setting up camp and for the rest of the day/night. At night is when it was really raining hard. We had to move our gathering inside the tent and ended up staying there for the rest of the night. It was a very cold night, but I somehow slept through it because I created my own heat with my breath. Half of our tent actually ended up being in a puddle and half of the people were soaked by the end of the night and couldn't sleep. Two of the people we were with actually ended up sleeping in the car. It was a very long, restless night for them.

After the night finally ended, we cooked all our food and just ate everything. We finally gathered everything together and put down the tent to pack the car. It was a great time, it just would of been better if it weren't raining. We did have our legit day and night of camping. We got to cook over the fire, go hiking (even though the campground was small), and make s'mores. At the end of the day, I didn't really mind the cold. After making all the rookie mistakes, we know for next time what we should do and what we need. Lessons learned.

Oh! Good news! My sister and I didn't fight at all throughout this trip, which is really a miracle.

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