Friday, April 12, 2013

Strongest Person I Know.

There are many people in my life who I find strong and nothing breaks them down. Out of everyone I know, the strongest person I know would have to be my mother. I know many people will say either their mother or father, but my mother really is the strongest person I know. Life has given her many reasons to give up, but she is still up and fighting back.

There are a few events that I can remember that makes her strong. I'm sure there are more, but there are only a few that I can remember. It all started on my sisters birthday (I forget how old she was turning or how old I was), but my mother got in a terrible accident only three minutes away from home. I could probably see her accident right from my house. She was on her way home from work and was with my neighbor and my neighbor was driving. My neighbor was turning and a huge truck slammed right into them as they were turning. My mother was rushed to the hospital and she lost a lot of blood. I can't fully remember what happened in the hospital and what was wrong, but she was in the hospital for a couple days.

I'm not sure which happened first, the situation I just stated or the situation I'm about to state. But the next event that happened was when my mother had a miscarriage. I was also very young. I was probably 10 years old. It was a very traumatic experience and very saddening. But this didn't let her ruin her life.

Years passed and my mother found out that she had breast cancer for the first time on I believe was my sisters 15th birthday. I was in high school and understood more. She went through surgery and had radiation. It was gone for only two years. It then came back and I found this out on my 18th birthday. I remember her and my dad sitting us down telling my sister and I. Se told us that she had breast cancer again and that she was going to get a double mastectomy. She went through surgery the first week of August 2009. I remember going to see her right after her surgery, but I can't remember the memory. That was one of the memories that I blocked lut because it was too traumatizing for me. After her surgery, she went straight to getting chemotherapy. All her surgeries were finally finished by Spring 2010. She hasn't gotten it back and I hope to keep it this way. She will be free of breast cancer for four years in August. This has changed her life forever, but it never brought her down.

The most recent event that happened was when she lost her job in January 2013. It wasn't fair at all that she lost her job, but that didn't matter. It changed our family as a whole, but affected my mother a lot. I sometimes think that she was depressed for a little bit because she didn't know what to do anymore. With this happening, my mother changed her views on life.

Since the recent happening, she has changed in a good way. She is one of the most positive people in my life. She thinks positive all the time and doesn't let anything get to her. She tries not to get stressed because she believes that's the reason why she got cancer both times. She doesn't let anything bother her. She has been more faithful to her religion and is connected to God even more. Right now, she is actually in the Philippines having the time of her life. I'm glad that she's there and is happy. With these events happening, most people would break. She made it through and is the best person that she's been in a while. She lived and learned on how to be happy with herself. God threw her these obstacles, but he knew that she would make it through with a better attitude and better view of life. Although these events are things that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy, these events made my mother the way she is today. Even though it was hard to go through at the time, I'm glad they did because my mother is at the place she needs to be in her life.


Unknown said...

You obviously haven't seen me and mom in a room together cause I think I'm the one and only thing that bothers her lmao.

Patricia Mole said...

You are the reason why mom gets stressed. She tries to ignore you most of the time.