This definition of love brings me to a situation that I always think about and can't simply understand. Imagine this situation.. You're in a room and it's just you and your significant other. You're talking and uncontrollably laughing and doing what you guys normally do, just fooling around and being stupid. You look at your significant other and you just think 'I can do this for the rest of my life.' You know you don't want to do this with anyone else or you can't imagine doing this with someone else.
I know I am only 21 years old and I may still be naive and stupid. I only had one other boyfriend in my life, I was 15-16 years old, and he wasn't a serious relationship (I figured this out a couple months afterwards). But the situation I just stated, I feel this with my current boyfriend. It's hard for me to open up at first to anyone. With girls it's easier to get along with, but with guys it's harder to open up with. I wasn't even fully comfortable with my first boyfriend. I can't say the same with my current boyfriend. I am beyond comfortable with him and can do anything I'd like around him. When we spend time together, I get that feeling that I explained in the situation. I didn't get this feeling only once, but multiple times. Also, it's not like I look for that feeling. It just happens and comes up in my mind at the moment. The feeling I get in that moment is unexplainable for me.
This brings me to the topic of this blog, What is love? Is how I feel with my boyfriend the definition of love? I never had that feeling with anyone else, even my ex-boyfriend. People say that love is unexplainable. Am I feeling this because I cannot explain it? I love my boyfriend with all my heart. I deeply care for him. I cannot even get a good nights sleep because I cannot fully sleep until I know he's home safe from his internship. I know that I care deeply about him already. He will be someone that I will always care about. But the situation that I stated, is that what love is? If so, I can do this for a very long time. It's an amazing feeling when I get that feeling in that situation.
I feel that no one will ever be able to answer the question, 'What is love?' I believe that everyone has their own definition of love. Each relationship is different. There are no two relationships that are exactly the same. So this situation may be my definition of love and the definition of love could be different for you. Everyone is different and perceive things differently than others. But if I had to define the word love, I would say the situation I stated because I can't really give it a definition.
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