As an undergraduate student about to graduate in December, I am stressing a bit. Of course, this was bound to happen. I am about to enter the real world and I still have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. Before even thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life, I still have to get passed the steps in order to get there. As of right now, there is so much on my mind that I am stressing about. I'm sure that there are many people out there who are stressing about the same thing as I am and maybe even more, but here are a few things that are stressing me out at the time being..
- Assignments, I know professors are supposed to give us assignments to help us understand the material they are teaching and also because it helps grades, but I don't understand when one professor assigns at least four assignments for one class due the same time and day. They know that we are handling 4-5 other classes, but I feel that they think we're only taking their class. I know this goes back to time management, but its difficult when not only one professor is assigning at least four assignments, but all your professors are assigning the same amount. To top it all off, all my class assignments are due the same day as all my other classes. This is how my whole semester has been so far. Thank God I have come up with a system on how to complete my assignments on time, but this amount of work stresses me out to the max.
- Money, this topic will always stress me out no matter what part of my life I am in. This definitely stresses a lot of people out in general. Everyone pest have as much as they would like. I want to know how money has become such an important part of people's lives and when it became a part of everyday life. As humans, we are constantly trying to find a way to make money. This stresses people out. As a college student, of course I am broke. I don't work during the school year, but I do work during the summer and winter breaks. Those are the times I can make money and save it for the school year. As the school year is ending, I am slowly running out of money and I am stressing out because I won't have money by the end of the year. I know I am 21 years old and shouldn't be asking my parents for money, but I thought I would ask for a little help because my dad told me if I needed help with money, he would help me. Boy was that a bad decision! My dad told me that he would give me money, but he lectured me. Of course after that, I told him I didn't want his money anymore. Now, I am back to square one and stressing about how to earn money. I can't get a job here at school because I'm here for only one month left.
- Graduating in December, this topic always makes my brain want to explode. I'm already not graduating on time and graduating a semester late. In order for me to graduate in December 2013, I need four more classes. As of right now, I am enrolled in three summer classes. One class is online during Summer Session I, the other two is in class during Summer Session II. Enrollment in these classes worked out for me, but the living situation hasn't been working so well for me. I can't commute because I live an hour and a half away from school. I may have to live on campus for the summer for a month, which won't be bad because it includes utilities and everything. For the last class I have to take, I was thinking of taking an internship in either the summer or fall. I am applying to an internship that my job offers, but I am still not sure if I'm going to be able to get the intern offer. This stresses me out because if I can't get an internship in either the summer or fall, I won't be able to graduate in December because I will be one class short.
These are the few things that are stressing me out right now. I am really close to graduating and getting rid of some of these stresses and I honestly can't wait. I'm so burned out from school, I can't wait to be over with it for a while.. Of course, until I go back to get my masters degree.
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